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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Continuity Task Evaluation

1. Explain the story of your video.
In the video, both characters are sitting at a table; one of them (Megan) asks for a pair of scissors to cut an image from a magazine.  The character who is asked agrees (Hugo) and recklessly throws the scissors directly through the girl's hand.  Megan screams at the top of her voice and Hugo curses, realizing the damage that was done. 

2. How did you attempt to create 'narrative flow' (continuity)?
We tried to create continuity by abiding to by the 180 degree rule, so the conversation seemed as if both characters were looking at the same thing.  The use of the establishing shot at the beginning of the video was used to increase the audience's sense of place as well.  Finally, an eyeline match was established throughout, making it seem as if both characters were looking at each other.

3. Did you achieve full continuity?  If not, why not?
No, we did not achieve full continuity.  The lighting change can be noticed between shot 2 and 3.  This makes it seem as if the shot was at another time or in a different setting, making it seem slightly confusing for the viewer.  The 'jump cut' created was an attempt of a match on action.  This failed as the 30 degree rule was violated.

4. In hindsight, what would you do differently to improve the narrative flow of your video and tell your story more effectively?
To improve narrative flow, including a master shot with both characters would be good for the audience, as it would give them a better view as to what is going on, besides from just the establishing shot.   This also may apply to the constant use of mostly mid-shots and close ups; a greater variety of shots would also solve the problem of the audience's spacial awareness.  Finally, re-shooting shots 3 and 4 would rid of the lighting change as well as rectify the match on action.

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