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Sunday, December 16, 2018

18. Target audience feedback

I made sure that I conducted a focus group, consisting of members of the target audience so I could receive their opinions on my food delivery advert.  This would work as an indication as to whether I was successful in making an advert that was appealing to the 16-25 year olds.


Aisha: Understood what the stories were all about and the fact that it had to do with food delivery.  She also understood the humour, especially at the end of the advert.  However, she was annoyed by the music and the TV sounds in the first advert.  She suggested that there would be greater  clarity between the social groups, possible by using a female character for example, on top of the ethnic mix.

Dylan: Found the adverts clear in portraying a food delivery service.  He also understood the humour behind both adverts, especially during the ending scene and the "what" back and forth scene.  He understood the benefits of YourFood very well.  Overall, he found the advert 'quick and straight to the point.'  However, he mentioned that it would be even better if the simplicity of ordering food from the service was shown.

Tasnim: Understood the adverts were about food delivery and found the stories clear to understand.  Found the interactions with the three boys quite funny, particularly in the second advert.  She said that the humour was quite relatable, such as when all three friends were hungry, but only one was willing to admit it.  She suggested it would be more informative if their was clarification as to how the app worked and even how it differentiated itself from other food delivery services out there.

Adam:  Really enjoyed the second advert; he thought most of the flaws came from the first advert.  He found that the TV scene was quite confusing and didn't relate the sounds to the TV.  He found the first advert quite rushed in its pace so he advised the concluding part of the advert was made more clear, as it would be easier to understand.

From gathering opinions from my target audience, I have learnt where the weaknesses in my advert lie and what would have to be improved to make it more appealing to the target audience.  I now have a greater idea of what the target audience would have wanted in a food delivery service advert.

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