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Saturday, December 15, 2018

11. My Practice shoot / edit

By performing a test shoot, I was able to determine what were the successes and failures in my narratives, as well as become more familiar with the locations which I was going to use.  Using the location gave me insight on what could possibly hinder or make filming more challenging, for example the uneven lighting patterns in the first advert.  
The test adverts were filmed using my phone and edited on a mobile editing app, in order to grasp a basic understanding of the flow of the advert as well as the where most of my attention would need to go for filming my rough and final adverts. 

Test Advert 1

Test Advert 2

Carrying out the test shoot made me aware of the smaller flaws in my narrative such as lacking indication of a movie night in the first advert or the fact that the first advert is in the same location as the first.  I need to also pay more attention on the title card, as the picture of my phone did not have anything on it but a black screen.  The practice shoot and edit were beneficial, because they have given me a clearer idea on how I will modify my storyboard for the next filming sessions in the production process.

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