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Sunday, December 16, 2018

16. My rough cuts

I made a rough edition of my two adverts so I could see what the developed narrative would look like.  This meant that the final actors as well as the final locations would be used to make this advert.  Both adverts were edited using Adobe Premiere Pro, unlike the test shoot, so I could gain a better understanding of the software and how perfecting my advert would factor into it later in the process.  The advert was filmed with actual Canon video cameras as well as the equipment in my assigned list, which was to ensure that the quality would be as high as possible.

Rough Cut Advert 1

Rough Cut Advert 2

From filming and editing both adverts, I have been made more aware of timing and the pace of which my adverts need to convey the message of the food delivery service.  My adverts were either cut short, as the story was too long or ran past the 30-second limit by a second, which would not meet the conditions of the brief.  I will need to re-storyboard my narrative for the final time to make sure that it stays in the limits of 30 seconds provided on television.  It will also be necessary that I reshoot many of the shots, as a result of the continuity errors which were primarily in the first advert.  However, I will be able to use some of the stronger elements of this advert, such as the up-tilt mid-shot at the table in advert 2 and put them into the next when I edit my final version.

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